Hello everybody, this is me, John Henning Eide, I am a Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Teacher, Lecturer and have extensive experience within business and both education and planning of teaching programs. I am happy to help in all situations, whether you already are in a business, or want to have teaching programs, or anything else, give us a call, send us a message, or fill in the contact form on my Contact us page in the menu.
I am more than happy to hear what you want to do, and will tell you whether I can help or not, all after what the situation is, and whether I have time to participate, but if I have no time to help, I have lots of connections that I can refer you to. So get in touch, anyway. We will find a solution for you, we will not leave you unnoticed or unhelped.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
I have been working my own Network Marketing Business successfully, I have been Academic Leader for 2 years, I have run my own business most of my life, I have travelled the world for 2 years, I have lived 20 years in New Zealand, and 5 years in Australia, and now live permanently back in my home country Norway.
So anything I can help with, give me a shout, and I be on my way to help.
John Henning Eide
+47 915 83939
FinnbergÄsen 7
5063 Bergen