Welcome to Startabiz4u.com

We are so happy to finally move towards a new day for startabiz4u.com, we will be launching a new website before the end of May 2020. You will see big changes in the way that the page is being made, and in the format of the page.

There will be soon arriving a new SSL certificate so that you will be able to feel safe, not only while giving us the details that will be required in leaving comments, but also safe to buy off our website.

There will eventually be availability of both businesses and product purchases. I will have a large portion of products from different affiliate systems I am getting involved with, either just as an affiliate or as a seller of the specific products.

I hope we will create a connection and a great relationship. It is important to me that you feel this is the site where you can get serious advise in such an incredible serious issue as starting your new business.

We will have different options for you, we can study where you are at, we can suggest different things you must do, before you start up, while you start your business and while running it, and even help with closing down businesses you no longer need.

Hope to hear from you, there will be a link here when the page is ready, to contact us directly, but the link will be set up when the page for the form is created.

Have a wonderful spring, and we see you just before summer starts. This year 2020, not next year.

Greetings from
John Eide

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